Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kraftwerk Simmering - Wald-Biomassekraftwerk
(biggest bio power plant in europe)

About 60 trucks are transporting pieces of woods a day.

The plant provides power for about 48.000 households
and district heat for 12.000 households. 

There is way more to see than just europes biggest and effective
bio power plant on that area, I might upload more pictures someday.
If you're interested in seeing more or get more infos feel free to write an e-mail!

It's possible to do a guided tour
for more information get in touch with..
But I'm not sure if you can do a guided tour in english at all power plant places,
so please check that out first!!

Kraftwerk Simmering
1. Haidequerstrasse 1
1110 Wien
public conveyance:
U3 --> Enkplatz, 
Bus 76A 'til Haidestrasse, 
walking for about 10minutes