Sunday, August 28, 2011

FotW - Vienna #4

FotW - Vienna #4

In 1155 Vienna became capital of Austria

Friday, August 26, 2011

The "Wiener Riesenrad" was built in 1897
when emperor emperor Franz Joseph I. had his 50th throne jubilee.
Back than, it was the biggest giant wheel in the world.

Yeah, there were quiet a lot of things built for his golden anniversary.
Franz von Assissi church and the Riesenrad are only two of them.

Friday, August 19, 2011

FotW - Vienna #3

FotW - Vienna #3

Schoenbrunn Palace,
the summer palace of the Habsburgs,
has no less than 1440 rooms.

If you want to know more about it,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You are mistaken if you think this isn't in Vienna.
Morning has broken... and "clone houses" do exist here too.
22nd district

Friday, August 12, 2011

FotW - Austria #2

FotW - Austria #2

The austrian flag is one of the oldest flags in the world.
It dates from 1191,
when Duke Leopold 5th fought in the battle of Acre during 3rd crusade

If you want to know more about the battle:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Franz von Assisi Kirche"

This church was build from 1898 to 1910
when Franz Josph I. had his golden anniversary.
For that anniversary there was a competition
and Victor Luntz who was the architect of this church won with his design.
Luigi Luccheni murdered the wife
of the emperor (Kaiserin Elisabeth) in 1898.
A gold mosaic inside remembers this tragedy.

2. District ("Leopoldstadt")
